How do I claim uncollected R370?
Getting a SASSA grant can often be tricky because you don’t know about it properly. Assume you have been approved for Social Relief of Distress Grant and you are waiting for payment date. As if you have forgotten about it and your payment date has passed.
It is important that you receive full amount when grant is deposited into your bank account and be eligible through your black card. Getting a non-deposit aid can be difficult if you don’t have complete knowledge about it. First you have to be calm and read this issue carefully.
Bank account users
During application process, you can choose between payment methods. The important one is by bank deposit and Card. You receive your grant through your registered bank account with messages that tell you about fund message.
- If you are using bank payment method, then you will have to take your card with you in ATM.
- Insert your debit card into ATM machine and verify PIN.
- Write PIN you receive on ATM machine panel.
- Now you write your amount, such as R370, which you want to withdraw.
- Your payment will be withdrawn from machine.
- Count your amount before leaving bank ATM.
Note: The SASSA black Card function also works like a bank card and you can get your money through ATMs.
Supermarket Cash points
- Go to your preferred supermarket and go to their cash counter. They are often located near customer help center or or cashier areas.
- Before you go here, don’t forget to bring your original South African ID card with you.
- Tell them that I have come here to get my SASSA grant. Please guide me what are requirements for it.
- Staff will verify your identity card to see if overdue money is still available.
- After verification, you will be given payment in cash.
- After taking cash, also receive your receipt. This is good for keeping a record of your payment.
Options to Recover Overdue Payments
- Head to a Branch: Where you can consult an official to verify your uncollected SRD grants.
- Consult SASSA website: Social agency South Africa has a dedicated website for its non-collectible SRD Grant. Follow information and conclude verification procedure available on that website.
- Dial toll-free number: There is a specific number that is used by the Beneficiary to ask about non-collectible grants to make inquiries. You must have your ID number and some other information before making a call.
Does SASSA money expire if not withdrawn
- SASSA money does not expire if you do not withdraw it. Social agency generally has deadlines for grant applications, about 3 months. If you fail to get your grant during this time, then your account will be suspended. This means your account access is lost until you reach reactivation steps.
- If your grant is suspended because you have not made a payment withdraw, you can apply to restored it within 30 days.
- As you can tell reason, you were busy in a government institute or in a hospital for some reason.