change your SASSA Payment method to Boxer till points
If your Social Security SA Agency 370 run grant has been approved you can now collect your benefit from Box Stores country-wide. Boxer is proud to assist their grant beneficiaries access their funds more conveniently not to mention safely ensuring they receive much-needed relief quicker than before. Here’s what you need to do to get your grant at one of these stores. The 350 grant beneficiary will receive an sms message from SASSA confirming collection point and advising on day of collection.
How to change your SASSA payout method to Boxer
If you want to update your SASSA payment method to Boxer, follow these easy steps:
sRD SASSA Gov website
Locate official website at Select appropriate option based on your citizenship status.
Locate Banking section
Select section titled “How do I change my banking details?” Under this enter your information.
Enter ID details
Provide your 13-digit South African ID number and 10-digit cell number.
Submit information
You will receive an OTP code on your registered number. Enter that code for ID verification.
Follow link
Click on Submit button. A secure link from SASSA will be shared in your SMS section. Click link in SMS to open banking details form.
Change Bank to boxer
Select checkbox to designate “Boxer” as your new payment recipient. Agree to Terms and Conditions to submit your request for a change in payment method.
Submit Form
Once submitted, you’ll no longer need to collect your payment at old account. Payments will now be processed for easy withdrawal at Boxer stores.

How to collect my R370 grant at Boxer?
Beneficiaries must take an ID and physical cell phone number registered at SASSA along to store when collecting their grant. You can then enter your ID number and registered cell phone number at the till point to confirm funds are available for collection. Beneficiaries immediately receive a USSD message to which they must approve their cell phone before the cash has been handed over.
Is Boxer is beneficial to collect grants?
- Boxer stores are located across South Africa.
- The collection process is efficient, reducing waiting times and long queues.
- While collecting your grant, you can also shop for groceries and other essentials.
- By using Boxer, you can bypass the often crowded post offices, making process more easier.
- Its stores are strategically placed both in rural and suburban areas, making grant collection more accessible.
Points to be remember
- Grant holders will never be asked to enter personal information on their cell phones or to click on any link.
- It is important to remember that Boxer does not manage applications and approval to grant funds.
- When and where collections can be made this is a process run entirely by postbank-only.
- Social Aid recipients who have received sms from South Africa Social Welfare program confirming collection payout points can use new collection points.
- They can pay collection points for SASSA SRD grant excluding BP pick and pay express they can pay to close.
Can I check my balance at Boxer?
Yes, you can check your SASSA balance by requesting a free balance inquiry at any Boxer till point.
Should you require more information, you are requested to contact your nearest office or call:
- SASSA Toll-Free Number: 0800 601 011
- SAPO Toll-Free Number: 0860 111 502